What is the halachich position concerning the doing of a pre-nuptial agreement for a jew marrying a non-jew,from a professional point of view.Does it fall into the dorayta prohibition of lifnei eiver lo titein.....
or are the Rabbonon maikil with davar haaved concerning parnassoh
Dear Julian,
It is hard to say that this is a prohibition from the Torah. It certainly is Asur mid'Rabanan, forbidden by the Sages ("Mesayei'a l'Devar Aveirah"), since one is helping another Jew transgress an Isur. In order to be forbidden from the Torah there needs to be no one else to do this. In addition, it is also a Chilul Hash-m for a Jew to agree to do such a job, even if he could make a lot of money. One should keep away from this and G-d will send him his Parnasah from a source of purity and integrity.
Rabbi Yisroel Pesach Feinhandler
2/12 Gedera Str
Romema 94427
Tel: 972-2-537 1447
Cell: 972-54-371-447
USA: 1800-789-4340
Author of Beloved Companions, Beloved Children, Priority in Prayer, Shut Avnei Yoshpah.