More Discussions for this daf
1. In how many ways is an Arel more Chamur than an Onen? 2. Mamzer from an Arusah 3. Pregnant Woman Who Converts
4. the Diyuk that an Onen is permitted to eat Terumah 5. איסור ערל בתרומה

Rafi Magid asked:

In Outline to the Daf, you wrote:

>>(f) Answer: It is more reasonable to say an Arel, since he

has the following shortcomings:

1. He is lacking a physical action (circumcision);

2. This action must be done to his own body;

3. The punishment for staying uncircumcised is Kares;

4. The prohibition applied before the giving of the


5. Failure to circumcise his male slaves stops him

(from eating Pesach).<<

Why did you count 5 shortcomings (of the AREL) - the GEMARA asserts by

signs (Simanim) that there only 4?

The Kollel replies:

Good point! There are only four Simanim mentioned ("Ma'asim Kerusim b'Davar ha'Eved"), but the Gemara seems to list five (as listed above)!

It could be that there are indeed five Chumros, and the reason that there are only four Simanim is because two of those Chumros are included in the word "Ma'asim" (which is Lashon Rabim; this leaves us with a question, though, why the word "Kerusim" is also in Lashon Rabim).

However, see the CHACHMAS MANO'ACH (in the back of the Gemara), who says that the reason the Gemara added "Ma'aseh b'Gufo" is because the Chumra of "Mechusar Ma'aseh" also exists with an Onen -- he has not yet buried his dead relative, and thus he is "Mechusar Ma'aseh" as well! Therefore the Gemara adds that the "Mechusar Ma'aseh" of an Arel is even more stringent because it is an action that must be done to his own body. According to this explanation, the Chumra of "Mechusar Ma'aseh" and "Ma'aseh b'Gufo" are indeed only one Chumra!

Based on this, we have corrected the Outlines to reflect this point, as included below.

Yashar Ko'ach!

Y. Shaw


(Correction to Outline for Yevamos 70b:)

(f) Answer: It is more reasonable to say an Arel, since he

has the following shortcomings:

1. He is lacking a physical action (circumcision) which

must be done to his own body;

2. The punishment for staying uncircumcised is Kares;

3. The prohibition applied before the giving of the


4. Failure to circumcise his male slaves stops him

(from eating Pesach).