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hg schild asked:

Looking for "purim torah" i.e. who said that claimed that Amalek also married in via this gemara with a shifcha etc? Anyone say this? heard it years ago and now learning Kidushin

hg schild, new hempstead ny usa

The Kollel replies:

Yes there is Torah about this (not just Purim Torah!).

1) The Rambam writes (Hilchot Avadim 9:3) "If one of the nations had relations with a Shifcha Knanit of ours, the son is an Eved Knaani". (See the Raavad there however who disagrees strongly with the Rambam because the Gemara Kidushin 67a states "concerning the nations one follows the male").

2) According to the Rambam it may be possible to explain how the Gemara Gittin 57b tells us that the descendants of Haman learnt Torah in Bnei Brak. This would seem to contradict what the Mechilta states at the end of Parshat Beshalach that one may not accept Gerim from Amalek. However if one should say that Haman in fact married a Shifchah Knaanit and the child was set free and therefore became Jewish, one could understand the Gemara Gittin.

3) There is another very interesting thing written by the Alshich in his commentary to Esther 2:5. He writes that the night before Agag was killed by Shmuel, he had relations with a Shifchah Knaanit and one of the descendants was Haman.

4) According to this the surprising possibility arises that Haman may in fact have been Jewish! (If I remember rightly I once wrote on this topic a few years ago for the kollel - also in Adar!!). This would fit in with what the Gemara Megillah end 15a tells us that Haman sold himself as a slave to Mordechai - which means that Haman was an Eved Knaani.

[See Teshuvot Mishneh Halachot 6:220 by the Ungvar Rebbe Rav Menasheh Klein Shlita]


Dovid Bloom