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1. Brukti 2. Remedies - Eating Non-Kosher, Benefiting from a Meis

David asks:

Hi - some of these remedies involve things that seem to be assur - for example, consuming worms or using a dead person. Is it because these illnesses are or can become yeish bo skana - or is there a different explanation? Thanks very much.

David, Brooklyn, NY

The Kollel replies:

To answer you specifically, I would request that you specify exactly which Refuah you are asking about. But in general, I was also bothered by this question and there are a few general principles which I considered as solutions:

1) You are certainly correct that some of these conditions are considered Pikuach Nefesh

2) In some of the remedies the item is dried until it becomes powder and is no longer considered food

3) The use of a Niftar is an Issur D'Rabonon and it could be that Chazal were not Goizeir in the case of sickness

With a Bracha that we should all remain healthy thanks to "Ani Hash-m Rofecho"

Shimon Brodie