I need a GOOD example what Munbaz holds about inadvertence and one chatas, etc. I am struggling to understand his opinion and all other Rabbis's opinion (Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Yochanan, Rabbi Lakish).
David Kastor, Baltimore, USA
Munbaz holds that even if one knew about the prohibition, the Malkos and the Kares, if he did not know that there is a Korban for this Aveirah than he is still called a Shogeg, and he is Chayav a Korban.
For example, if he knew that eating on Yom Kipur is prohibited with a Lav and has a Chiyuv Kares, but did not know that one must bring a Korban if he eats b'Shogeg, he is still called a Shogeg and must bring a Korban.
Rebbi Akiva (also referred to in this Gemara as Rabanan) disagrees with Munbaz and holds that if one knew that there is Kares, one does not bring a Korban. There is, however, a dispute between Rebbi Yochanan and Rebbi Shimon Ben Lakish (Reish Lakish) as to whether one who knows about the Lav must bring a Korban. Rebbi Yochanan said that even if he knew about the Lav he is called a Shogeg, since he did not know about the Kares. Reish Lakish holds that if he knows about the Lav he is not called a Shogeg and does not bring a Korban.
Dov Freedman