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1. Collateral 2. Pick up 3. Ribis contradiction in Rashi
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ilan asked:

How do we meyashev rashi's pshat of keribbis ketutza of Ravina on this daf with Ravina's pshat of avak ribis on pg62

Ilan, Johannesburg

The Kollel replies:

Tosfos (67a DH Peiri) asks your question, and explains that Ravina did not take the fruit away because of Ribis, but because he was ruling in a case of a sale, similar to the case of Raba Bar Rav Huna, and he held that it was Mechilah b'Ta'us, which is not a Mechilah.

Dov Freedman

ilan replied:

Thank you for your reply. However this does not answer the question. You answered according to Tosfos pshat, but I am asking according to Rashi's pshast.



The Kollel replies:

I was suggesting that Rashi may learn the same way as Tosfos. However I see now that the P'nei Yehoshua explains that according to him the difference is that on Daf 67 the vendor may redeem the field whenever he wishes. Furthermore, he says that the case was a Mechirah b'Ta'us.

Dov Freedman