After Shmuel disallows Bitul Reshus me'Chatzer l'Chatzer, Abaye says that if one Chatzer is an inner Chatzer and the other is the outer Chatzer, they can be Mevatel Reshus to each other. Rava argues that they cannot, unless the outer Chatzer placed their Eruv inside the inner one, and a member of the outer Chatzer forgot to join the Eruv.
What is his basis for this ruling, and what does he gain? Is he ruling like Shmuel?
S. Siegel
Rava is ruling like Shmuel. He and Abaye are arguing over what is considered "me'Chatzer l'Chatzer."
Abaye holds that it is considered "me'Chatzer l'Chatzer" only if the two Chatzeros are Halachically distinct, i.e. the Halachah (of Derisas ha'Regel) does not bind them together and consider them one Chatzer involuntarily.
Rava argues and maintains that it is considered "me'Chatzer l'Chatzer" even if the two are Halachically bound, since they are nevertheless physically distinct. The only time there is Bitul Reshus "me'Chatzer l'Chatzer" according to Rava, is when the outer Reshus finds itself in the inner Reshus only through Hergel Eruv (see Insights here). In such a case Bitul helps to remove themselves from the inner Chatzer, since they do not have a "real" presence in the inner Reshus anyhow.