More Discussions for this daf
1. The blessing of the daughter of Nakdimon 2. Surplus Ma'aseh Yadayim 3. נכסי צאן ברזל
4. ונקדימון בן גוריון לא עבד צדקה 5. v'Anu Achare'ha Amen

Yaakov Silberman asks:

The gemara kesubos 66a debates a case where a women makes extra wool that she is required from the rabbis can she keep the wool or must she give it to her husband. However (based on my assumption that her husband provides her with the materials to make the wool) shouldn't it be obvious the husband should keep the excess wool sicne it was made from his materials. (Can we possibley suggest that when the talmud speaks about Maaseh yadayim in regard to wool it is speaking in context of someone who works for a wool company.)

The Kollel replies:

It is not clear from the Gemara where the woman is obtaining the wool from. Rabeinu Chananel (quoted in Shitah Metubetzes) uses the expression "she found better flax," implying that she found her own.

However, it is anyway not obvious that the husband should keep the wool, since only due to a rabbinic enactment the woman's work belongs to her husband, and this might mean that first she acquires her work and then transfers it to her husband in return for his providing her sustenance, and not that it directly belongs to him (see Kovetz Shi'urim 216). If this is the case, then even if the husband provides her with raw materials, she needs to transfer it to him, but the extra part which she is not required to make she may not need to transfer and instead she can pay him for the raw materials and keep her work for herself.

Yoel Domb