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7. Molech and Shaliach
1. Joshua Danziger asks:

Hello kollel!

In the description of molech, it sounds like the father gives his child to the priest of idolatry who then does the molech procedure. The father is chayav misah for this.

My question is, is the an example or proof of shaliach ledvar aveirah? Or is the father chayav even for the initial step somehow?

Thank you and good shabbos


2. The Kollel replies:

Hi Josh,

There is a basic Machlokes Rishonim whether the priest does the Molech procedure as Rashi says, or does he give the child back to the father who does the procedure as the Rambam (Hilchos Avoda Zara 6;3-4). In any case, I would say simply, that what counts in Avoda Zara of this or any other kind, is the custom of the priests or the people who worship this idol regularly, so if the Derech of this Avoda Zara is to pass the child to the priest, the father is Chayav since he worshiped the Avoda Zara. ke'Darka. Let me add that the Ramban in his Peirush on the Torah (Vayikra 20;3) says that the Torah specified Molech event though it is a version of Avoda Zara, to teach that by Molech there is a Chiyuv also she'Lo ke'Darka, so the father might be Chayav either way. The Rambam seems to argue this in the source I brought before, and says that there is a very specific way to be Chayav in a case of Molech.

Best Regards,

Aharon Steiner