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Ytzhak Tisserant asked:


Mane ha milta deamru rabanim bne banim harei kebanim

Rachi says : concerning 'bnei bito' because 'ben beno' is pshita.

what is this bnei bito (is it a case of abaye: 'bara le barta' or is it a case of 'tre mee'had' or else)??

why is ben beno pshita ??

thanks for your help...

Ytzhak Tisserant

The Kollel replies:

Dear Ytzhak,

Benai Bito in Rashi is obviously the son of a daughter as opposed to a son of a son which is Peshita.

Why is it Peshita? Actually the Maharsha has a question on Rashi, but the Aruch la'Ner explains Rashi in two ways:

1) For a son of a son there is a simple proof: Poked Avon Avos Al Banim (Shemos 20:5) which includes future generations. The Gemara therefore looks for a Pasuk for a daughter's son. According to this, Rashi never meant that a son's son is simpler by Sevara more than a daughter's son.

2) A son's son is Meyuchas after his father and therefore is Peshita since he is the continuation of his grandfather, but a daughter's son was in doubt until a Pasuk was brought.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner