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Ytzhak Tisserant asked:


you wrote in the Point by Point outlines for Yevamos 62b :

(m) Question: This is not so! Rabanan told Rav Sheshes to remarry and have children, and he answered, 'The sons of my daughter are (like) sons'!

(n) Answer: He rejected them (with a false answer. He didn't remarry because) he became sterile from Rav Huna's class (it was very long, and Rav Sheshes did not leave to urinate when he needed to.)

and you wrote in the Answers to Review Questions:

(c) When Rav Sheshes told the Rabanan (who suggested that he gets married and has children) that he had fulfilled the Mitzvah with his daughter's children - he was only putting them off, because he was sterile, and unable to father more children anyway.

(d) Rav Sheshes became sterile - by not relieving himself during Rav Huna's Derashah.

Could you tell me why do you consider Rav Chevhet's answer to Rabanim as a false answer. What is your proof for saying that ? Why not considering that Rav Chechet rejects the rabanim's opinion on "trei mee'had" and he thinks that "trei mee'had" works bediavad (the guemara bringing the proof that rav Chechet's case is a bediavad one by saying Rav Chechet is sterile).

Thanks for your help and answer.

Ytzhak Tisserant, FRANCE

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara itself says 'Hasam Dechu'i ka'Madcha Lehu', which means that Rav Sheishes himself did not really hold by what he said, but 'was merely putting them off''.

How do you translate these words?

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler