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yaakov simon asked:

Dear Rabbis, shlita

On daf 61b of bava metzia the gemara does not include shabbos as being related to the Exodus from Egypt. The aseres hadibros in parshas vaeschanan does. Please explain why the gemara excluded this.

May you have hatzlacha in all you do.

Thank you,


The Kollel replies:

The Gemara quotes other Mitzvos where the Torah warns us to keep the Mitzvah because Hash-m took us out of Egypt. The Gemara explains why, in the cases of these Mitzvos, it is necessary to warn us to keep these Mitzvos and what this warning has to do specifically with coming out of Egypt.

The Torah says that through keeping Shabos we remember coming out of Egypt. (See Ramban (Devarim 5:15) who explains this.) Here the Torah did not warn us to keep the Mitzvah because Hash-m took us out of Egypt, rather the Torah says that through this Mitzvah we remember coming out of Egypt. Since there is a clear connection between Shabos and coming out of Egypt (see Ramban ibid.) the Gemara did not have to explain anything.

Dov Freedman