I was just reading Daf 61a on the 37th line, and the question of wearing Tefillin on Shabbat, and Rav Safra, said that the Halachah of the issur of Tefillin was because the person might come to carry four amot in a reshut harabim.
Now I was always told that this issur, was because of " Shabbat is not a time for Tefillin(Eruvin 95b-96b). So my Rabbi told me that the mitzvah of tefillin is issur because the mitzvah of shabbat overrides that mitzvah. I want to know if that is true? Can you help me with this issue. Thank you,
Nechemyah, Riverside, USA
Dear Nechemya,
Hello there and thanks for your inquiry. The Sugya in Eruvin you mentioned states that the issue of Tefilin on Shabbos (whether the Mitzvah applies or not) is disputed amongst Tana'im. Our Mishnah in Shabbos states that a person may not wear Tefilin in a Reshus ha'Rabim on Shabbos. From a first glance it would seem that the author of the Mishnah is of the opinion that the Mitzvah of Tefilin does not apply on Shabbos, hence the prohibition of walking in Reshus ha'Rabim while wearing Tefilin. Rav Safra though explains that even the Tana who requires wearing Tefilin on Shabbos, prohibits wearing them in Reshus ha'Rabim, for the reason that he may end up carrying them after removing them.
As you pointed out, the ruling is that on Shabbos the Mitzvah of Tefilin does not apply, thus surely one may not walk in Reshus ha'Rabim wearing Tefilin, but Rav Safra was just pointing out that the author of the Mishnah can be either Tana, even the one who requires wearing Tefilin on Shabbos.
All the best.
Y. Landy
So is it a Issur to wear Tefillin on Shabbat? Or is ok if a person did, even though most people would not wear then do to the kiddush of Shabbat.
Dear Nigel,
Hello there and thanks for your question. Since we rule that the Mitzvah of Tefilin does not apply on Shabbos, one may not wear Tefilin on Shabbos.
All the best.
Y. Landy