You wrote in Insights "(c) The letter "Kuf" (from which the word "Kof," monkey, is derived) represents a distortion of the will of Hash-m, which results from arrogance. The Gemara in Shabbos (104a) explains that the letters "Heh" and "Vav" represent the Name of Hash-m (see also Menachos 29a, where the Gemara says that Hash-m created this world with the letter "Heh," meaning that the "Heh" represents what is revealed by Hash-m to the people in this world). The letter "Kuf" is a "Heh" with an elongated leg. This represents the arrogant person, about which the Gemara in Sanhedrin (29a) says "Kol ha'Mosif Gore'a" -- when a person is arrogant and adds to his self-image, he actually detracts from his own worth. Instead of being a better "Heh," the "Kuf" is distorted. It becomes a distorted and laughable imitation of the "Heh," just like a monkey is a distorted and laughable imitation of a human being. "
I wonder if this is related to our substituting "kuf" for heh in pronouncing Shem Hash-m, e.g. Elokim, Yud Kay Vov Kay, Ehkeh, etc.?
Gershon Dubin, Brooklyn, NY,USA
Gershon - Yes, I think that it is the similarity berween the letters that brought about the choice.
Yasher Koach,
Mordecai Kornfeld