Rash discusses the element of Ma'aser of which Pe'ah is exempt. What about Terumoh ?
Barely flour concoction is permitted the whole of the 14th Nisson for grafting purposes. Is there no problem of Chometz?
Sholem, UK
Dear Sholem,
Teruma is exactly like Maaser. Peah is exempt (Mishnayos Terumos 1:5, Rambam Terumos 2:9, 5:12). The source is the Pasuk Rashi brings here, which applies also to Teruma. The Levi in the Pasuk refers to the all the tribe of Levi which has no part in Eretz Yisrael and includes Kohanim (and therefore refers also to Teruma).
As far as grafting with barley flour maybe the Shechar is pure fruit juice without water and isn't Chametz.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner