What does this mean? Why was it not a good thing but ok... What drushim exist to explain the meaning of skipping?
hg, ny usa
There are many explanations regarding how to learn the Gemara's explanations of "Korchin Es Shema." Just to give a couple. Rashi's explanation seems to be that they did not pause between Echad and v'Ahavta, depsite the fact that it is preferable to do so as they are two different topics and one should really pause between accepting Ol Malchus Shamayim and other things. Rebbi Yehudah says they would not say "Baruch Shem." It is clear that these are not good things, but not things that one must protest (assuming that Baruch Shem is a Minhag that depends on people accepting the custom in that place). The Tiferes Yisrael adds that the reason they did not pause is because they did not want to create a possible Hefsek (i.e. spacing out, look around at people during Davening) during Shema, and therefore encouraged that it be said "b'Zerizus."
The Tiferes Yisrael explains that while these were not preferred practices, being that they had reasons for why they instituted or did not institute these practices and Chazal did not feel that it would lead to a tremendous problem, they did not rebuke them.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose