Can grafting be performed between palm trees, and if so, what is the procedure?
Paulina Fernandez, CHILE
The Talmud in Pesachim 56a discusses Markivin palm trees on the day before Pesach (Passover) which might involve a Halachic prohibition.
Markivin is normally translated as grafting. From the Talmud though we see different explanations. The first is involved the pouring of a certain fluid into the heart of tree to strengthen it. The second explanation involves the act of pollination of the "female" date tree by the 'fruit" (pollen) of the "male" tree. (Aruch section Nun-Samuch-Nun, also brought by Tosfos Yom Tov here).
Rashi understands the second explanation differently. He explains this to refer to inserting a young shoot into an older tree. However no further explanation is given.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner