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1. Tum'as Eretz ha'Amim 2. Tum'as Eretz ha'Amim 3. Cars and Airplanes Over Tumas Amim
4. Tum'as Eretz ha'Amim 5. נזיר שהוא ספק טמא ספק מצורע

Akiva Lane asks:

The Gemorah in Nazir 55 talks about a sealed box over Chutz L'aretz, whether it is Metamay, and by inference, also a graveyard. One of the phrases in the discussion that this is 'lo schiyach', not common. But now with planes and cars, this is schiyach. The fact that is now very common, does that change the Hallachah?

Akiva Lane, Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel

The Kollel replies:

Dear Akiva,

Two things:

1) What's the difference between planes/cars and ships/wagons? The Braisa already said that, according to R'Yosi Bar Yehuda, they are Metamei because they are Shechiyach.

2) The distinction made between "Shechiyach" and "Lo Shechiyach" is made by R'Yosi Bar Yehuda, but the Halachah - according to most Rishonim - follows Rebbi (Halachah k'Rebbi m'Chavero) who makes no such distinction.


Yonasan Sigler