Given the gzeras chachamim regarding tuma chutz laaretz (either air or land) how can it be possible for the ingredients for a korban mincha (wheat or barley for omer)to be brought to the beis hamikdash?
Foods (Ochlim) cannot be Mekabel Tum'ah without Hechsher. Therefore, as long as the wheat did not become wet with the consent of the owner, it will not become Tamei even if it touches an actual Mes.
Dov Zupnik
Does this apply to kodshim too? I understand that these items take on kedushas Ha Guf (or at least damim) at the time of purchase?
It is true that Kodshim do not need Hechsher, because "Chibas ha'Kodesh" is Machshir them, but this does not apply to Kedushas Damim nor even to Kedushas ha'Guf until after they have become Niskadesh in a Kli Shares.
Dov Zupnik