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4. Eilu v'Eilu mi'Tzion Nivre'u 5. Hiding the Aron that Went to War 6. מגללין הפרוכת ומראין להם הכרובים
7. במקדש שני. מי הוו כרובים

David A. Resnick asked:

I am looking for the meaning of "matzleef".

Kol tuv. besuros tovos by all yidden.

David A. Resnick, Esq.

The Kollel replies:


Although Rashi writes that he does not know what it means, other Rishonim point out that the Targum Yonasan uses that word for the translation of "Arba'im Yakenu " (Devarim 25:3) and "Yivada k'Meivi l'Mailah (Tehilim 74:5).

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld