Good day to the Chavrei Hakollel Tizku Lmitzvos!
v'Isha Lo Ta'amod Lifner Beheimah
Is the second part of u'v'Chol Beheimah Lo Sitein Shechavtecha
The first part can only be a male, but not the only way..(but if a man acts like a woman) in seducing the animal. So it's also a pasuk that seams to strongly refer to the one who was Roveah.
2. This might be obvious, but I'm pretty sure that the Mishkav Bheimah is NOT limited to a beheima , Chayos & Ofos minalan?
Avrahom Kevelson , United States
Shalom R' Avrahom,
It's great to hear from you!
1) Nice point! Sanhedrin 15a discusses this case, as well as the manner in which Chazal learn it from Shemos 22:18.
2) Yes, the Rambam rules this way in Hilchos Isurei Bi'ah 1:16. Baruch she'Kivanta!
Yishai Rasowsky