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1. Victim of Homosexual rape 2. Causing Death 3. Onesh v'Hizhir
4. Rabanan vs. Rebbi Yehudah 5. Rocheiv Beheimah
1. Avrahom Kevelson asks:

Good day to the Chavrei Hakollel Tizku Lmitzvos!

v'Isha Lo Ta'amod Lifner Beheimah

Is the second part of u'v'Chol Beheimah Lo Sitein Shechavtecha

The first part can only be a male, but not the only way..(but if a man acts like a woman) in seducing the animal. So it's also a pasuk that seams to strongly refer to the one who was Roveah.

2. This might be obvious, but I'm pretty sure that the Mishkav Bheimah is NOT limited to a beheima , Chayos & Ofos minalan?

Avrahom Kevelson , United States

2. The Kollel replies:

Shalom R' Avrahom,

It's great to hear from you!

1) Nice point! Sanhedrin 15a discusses this case, as well as the manner in which Chazal learn it from Shemos 22:18.

2) Yes, the Rambam rules this way in Hilchos Isurei Bi'ah 1:16. Baruch she'Kivanta!


Yishai Rasowsky