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1. Mistake in Vilna print in Rashi 2. Na'arah ha'Me'Orasah 3. ùàø äðñ÷ìéï ãìà ëúéá áäå ñ÷éìä
1. Ari asks:

Shalom rabbi

I hope you're well.

In Devarim chapter 22 Pasuk 21 it says that a woman who cheated after Erusin(betrothal) should be stoned by "the people of her city" Øåñ÷ìåä àðùé òéøäØ.

1)What does this mean? Who threw her off a cliff and who threw stones at her?

2)How is this different than a regular case of stoning?

2. The Kollel replies:

Dear Ari,

Rashi on the Pasuk 22:21 explains that the stoning should be done in front of the people of her city, it seems in order to shame her and her family. Sifsei Chachamim explains that there is no difference from other cases that the witnesses are first to kill her. Also the Rambam doesn't mention any difference.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner