More Discussions for this daf
1. Placing a Mirda'as on the donkey 2. Kemei'a for an Animal 3. בני אדם שהקימו כל התורה כולה מא' עד ת'

Yosef Browns asked:

Quiz on Mesechta Shabbos, Daf 53, quiz question #4, there are two issues:

1- the correct word is not "where" but "wear"

2- According to Artscroll Gemara, "v'lo bekamya she'aino mumcha ha mumcha shafir damai" refers to a PERSON not an animal, and therefore a behaima STILL can never wear a kamya on Shabbos. So this question is "questionable" i.e. potentially incorrect. Please check on this. (I could be wrong, but that's what I am seeing here)

Thank you, Yosef Browns

The Kollel replies:

Thank you Yosef!

1) We have corrected it.

2) Although the Mishnah which is being cited discusses a Kamei'a for a person, the Gemara's assertion is that there such a Kamei'a should work just as well for an animal (as Rashi explains, DH Ha Mumchah).

Be well,

Mordecai Kornfeld