More Discussions for this daf
1. "Avosos ha'Agalah" 2. A "remnant"? 3. Moshiach ben Yosef and Yetzer Hara
4. A remnant 5. Arba Charashim 6. Mashiach
7. Mashiach Ben Yosef

Shaul Praver asks:

Another question on my mind perhaps you can help me with. The reference of B'nai Yisroal as being a "Remnant" at the time of the Geula VS. the reference of Abraham's descendants becoming like the stars in the sky and the sand on the shore for a multitude.

This is a Stira (contradiction) which I have been searching for a Tshuvah.



The Kollel replies:

Shaul - I don't think that the blessing of Avraham was referring to the time of the Final Redemption. Avraham was being told that a large nation would stem from him, which indeed is what happened (12 million Jews!).

Very few people in the world altogether will merit to see the final stages of the Final Redemption, or the World to Come (cf. Menachos 29b). Even from the Jewish People, only a "remnant" will remain to witness it.

I hope this helps you. Best wishes,
