Hello and greetings, I was read the Daf of aleph bet, and was trying to get a better understanding of Tumah, and the basics of Purity. I thought I knew what it was, but I guess that I was wrong. In the Daf it is talking about what a animal can wear on Shabbat, then it gets in to a few Bariatot that discuss the different reasons why certain materials can't be worn due to the contact with Tumah. So I was wondering if you can give me the general understanding of the subject. I started to read Rashi to Parashah metzora. Also started reading the first Perek to Keilim. So if you can also help me with a list in the Gemara that talk about the Halachah of Tumah. Thank you
Nechemyah Davis, Riverside, CA
The Beraisos about Tum'ah are not related to the laws of what an animal can wear on Shabbos. Rather, since the Mishnah is discussing "animal adornments" with regards to Shabbos, it digresses into an aside about whether and how they become Tamei or Tahor (Tosfos DH v'Tovlo). The Beraisos are cited in the context of the point mentioned in the Mishnah as an aside.
We are enclosing some basic information about Taharah. We also highly recommend the Hebrew
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Be well,
Kollel Iyun Hadaf