I have come across a Malbim in Bamidbar 10:10 on the possuk UbeYom Simchaschem that brings the Sifri that R' Noson said Beyom Simchaschem refers to the Korbon Tomid. The Malbim brings a Tosfos at the beginning of 4th Perek of Pesochim in the name of the Yerushalmi that each day at the time of the hakrovas haTomid is a time of Simcha.
I have looked at the beginning of 4th Perek of Pesochim for the Tosfos but can't find it. Would you know where it is please?
Yisroel Alter Pacanowski
Yisroel Alter,
See Tosfos on Pesachim 50 DH Makom she'Nahagu
Avraham Phillips
Thanks Rabbi Phillips for your prompt response.
I have seen this Tosfos, but Tosfos make no mention that the time of hakrovas hatomid is a time of simcha. Lichora the svora of Tosfos not to work at the time when we must bring korbonos is that we must not occupy ourselves with other matters but focus on bringing the Korbon. Similar to the svora of not working in the time of bedikas chometz, tefilla etc.
Where do we see anything about simcha in Tosfos, as the Malbim is learning?
Tosfos says that the Isur Melachah appears to be d'Oraisa, while the examples you mentioned are d'Rabanan in order to prevent one from being distracted from doing the Mitzvah at hand.
Additionally, the Isur Melachah extends the entire day -- even after he brings the Korban -- which indicates that the Isur Melachah is not just to prevent one from neglecting to perform the Mitzvah.
Avraham Phillips