1-Is the Beraita talking about someone who lives in a city who made an Eruv on both sides of the city and if so: when they say he could only go in the overlapping area (if it ovelaps) he could go in his whole city plus the overlapping sides on both sides;and in the case when there is no ovelapping and "he cannot move from his place" means that he could move in the whole city and not outside. And if it is talking about a house that is not in an inhabited city that has its own tehum why is Rashi talking about that he cannot be like the residents of his city and cannot leave his house.
Or is the case in a city and regardless he is restricted to his house (Which would be very difficult for me to understand? And in that case what woud happen with the overlapping case.
2-Also according to Rav, on this Beraita, "that he didn't do anything": Would that mean he would still have his shvita in his house and he would be like the rest of the residents of his city.
Thank you.
Selim Dushey, Brooklyn, NY
When one lives in a walled town, the entire town has a Din of four Amos, and when he lives in a house on his own, then his house has a Din of four Amos. Consequently, it makes no difference whether the Balabos lives on his own, and he tried to make an Eiruv one or two thousand Amos on either side of his house, or whether he tried to do so one or two thousand Amos on either side of the town. Either way, he can traverse the two thousand Amos between the two Eiruvin (not counting his four Amos - i.e. his house or the whole town) in the case of one thousand Amos, or just his four Amos - his house or the entire town only - in the case of two thousand Amos.
be'Virchas Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler
Thanks you for your reply.
Is it only a "walled" town that has the din of Four Amos or any town that has contiguous homes?
Selim Dushey
It is only a 'walled' town that has the Din of four Amos (unless of course, the houses themselves form a wall). See Rashi on the Mishnah at the beginning of 'Mi he'Hotzi'uhu' DH 'Mehalech es Kulah'.
Otherwise, one is only allowed literally four Amos, as we have learned many times in that Perek.
be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler.