Is Kemitzah and Chafinah the same thing?
The Gemara says on 47B: ????? ??????? ?????÷?? ????? ??????? ????????; what does the Gemara mean since its was talking about Kemitzah before.....
AR, Jerusalem Israel
They are not the same thing. Chafinah is only done on Yom Kippur, as Vayikra 16:12 says that the Cohen Gadol takes "his full chofnav". Kemitzah is done all year round. Chafinah is done with 2 full hands, whilst Kemitzah is done only with the right hand (see Tosfos Kesubos 5b DH Zeh). See Rashi Yoma 49b DH Keitzad who describes in detail how Chafinah is done.
Kayitz Bari
Dovid Bloom