How can the Gemara learn out from the pesukim of "bkerev elokim yishpot" and rashi adds "elokim nitzav biadat keil" to teach that charon af increased when there was an increase in lochsei lechishot bdin if those 2 pesukim are used already in Pirkei Avot second 3rd perek to teach that 10 people that sit and learn torah together the shecina is present from the pasuk "elokim nitzva badat keil" and even with 3 people the shechina is present from the pasuk "bkerev elokim yishpot" ??
Daniel Fishman, Lawrence America
We only say that we cannot make more than one Derashah from a Pasuk if it is a Derashah teaching us a Din Torah. If it is just an Asmachta then it is no problem if we learn more than one Derashah from a given Pasuk. We see from the Gemara in various places that a Pasuk used for an Asmachta may still be used for another Derashah (see Pesachim 96b, Chagigah 4a).
Dov Freedman