Why is the yetzer (tashmish) yemin mekarev vsmol merachek and not the other way around? We say the more you starve it the better it is, furthemore with women and children the reason rashi explains is that they may leave but that doesn't apply to yetzer.
Binayahu, Oak Park, MI
This is a sensitive sort of question but I think the answer lies in Rashi 47a DH Yetzer who writes that the reason one should draw the Yetzer near with one's right hand is so that one should not come to despise the Mitzvah of being fruitful and multiplying.
In fact, the interesting thing is that the world cannot exist without the Yetzer. The Gemara in Sanhedrin 64a relates that the men of the Great Assembly requested mercy so that the Yetzer should be destroyed. Three days went by without the Yetzer and not a single egg was laid by the chickens in the whole of Eretz Yisrael. Without the Yetzer the human race could not survive.
Therefore the encouragement of the right hand mentioned here seems to mean that a person should not have the attitude that some cultures have, that people who concetrate on the spiritual life neglect the positive command to get married and bear a family. The Gemara is not suggesting more encouragement of the Yetzer than this requires. (A person also has an obligation to his wife as the Torah states - Shemos 21:10 - that a husband may not deny his wife her marital rights).
Kol Tuv
Dovid Bloom