More Discussions for this daf
1. Carrying water between cities 2. The four Amos of an Eruv 3. The rationale for the prohibition of "Techumin"
4. Techum of an object that changes hands on Shabbos 5. 3 techumin next to each other

Yakov Zalman Friedman asked:

Question :Rash"i D"H UBilvad claims that in all cases that Chaza"l gave a person four amos, including the four amos of placing the eruv, there is an issur d'rabanan to carry from inside those four amos to any place out of them. On 33A Rash"i D"H VHu says that the four amos that Chaza"l gave the person only were lkulah but there is no issur to carry from outside of the four amos into them. This seems to be a stirah. Thank you for your assistance.


The Kollel replies:

Very good point! It appears that Rashi's intention on 45b is that the four Amos are considered a Reshus ha'Yachid d'Rabanan , while on 33a (DH v'Hu), Rashi's intention is to say that the four Amos in which the Eruv is placed is not a Reshus ha'Yachid d'Oraisa , but they may certainly be considered a Reshus ha'Yachid d'Rabanan. (The Beraisa there is according to Rebbi, who permits Isurei d'Rabanan during Bein ha'Shemashos, and according to Rebbi, one's Eruv will work even when he has to transgress an Isur d'Rabanan to bring the food to within his own four Amos.)

Kol Tuv!