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1. Maktzeh b'Yadayim 2. Shabbos 045b: Are pets Muktzeh? 3. Ner on a tree
4. Tosfos DH Hacha 5. Tanai on Sechach 6. Muktzeh According to Rebbi

Mark Bergman asked:

The Gemoro at the top of Shabbos 45a proves that Rav holds like Rebbi Yehuda, since he differentiates between Shabbos and Yom Tov; Rebbi Shimon holds that on Shabbos he can move the Ner after it goes out so that Shabbos and Yom Tov are identical (as far as the fear he'll take the ner off the tree after the ner has gone out).

My question is, why do we not say that on Yom Tov there is a fear that he'll take the ner off the tree WHILE it is BURNING (since not Muktza at all on Yom Tov), which does not apply on Shabbos, and THIS is why there is a difference between Shabbos and Yom Tov! (i.e. no proof that Rav holds like Rebbi Yehuda - he could hold like Rebbi Shimon, but focus on while the Ner is burning)!

[It is interesting that after I had this question, I checked in the Gemoro I was using 7.5 years ago, and I had written the same question there!]

Kol Tuv

Meir Eliezer Bergman

Manchester UK

The Kollel replies:

The question is, according to R. Shimon, would one be permitted to place one's Shabbos lamp on a tree? The answer is that one would not, because when it goes out, he may come to remove it (as Rashi explains). What difference does it make that, whilst it is still burning, he will not be able to do so?

It is quite common to ask the same question that you asked years earlier, since that is the way your trend of thought works.

Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler

Yehoash Orange comments:

In response to this question, I believe the reason one may not lean on, or be mishtamish in a tree is because he may come to pull off a branch. Therefore on Shabbos where he wouldnt touch the ner anyways (because it is muktzah)it is permitted. However on yom tov when it is permitted to touch the ner after it has gone out there is the chashash that he may come to pull off a branch and therefore it is assur to touch the ner while it is lit even on yom tov and of course on shabbos is assur

p.s. after i wrote this answer I found the following in BACKGROUND TO THE DAILY DAF SHABBOS 45

1) [line 2] AL GABEI DEKEL

The Rabanan made a decree not to use or to support oneself with anything that is attached to the ground, for fear that the person will transgress the Melachah of Kotzer (reaping) on Shabbos. Similarly, the Rabanan made a decree not to support oneself on live animals, for fear that the person will rip off a branch to use as a prod for the animal, and thus transgress the Melachah of Kotzer. (Beitzah 36b)

yehoash orange

brooklyn, ny