More Discussions for this daf
1. Background translation 2. Ratio of Gold to Silver prices 3. Gold Is Currency, Not Commodity
4. Tosfos DH l'Mekach u'Mimkar 5. Coins 6. שליחות יד במחשבה
7. הזהב קונה את הכסף

M. Schwimmer asked:

On 44b D"H Echad m'K"H, Tosfos wonder how in the time of the Chazal the ratio of the price of gold to silver was 25:1 whereas in the time of Tosfos the ratio was at most 12:1.

Wouldn't the most obvious reason be supply and demand? Today's ratio is app. 60:1.


Mordechai Schwimmer Brooklyn, USA

The Kollel replies:

You are right of course. I presume that Tosfos did not want to give this answer, because Tosfos understood that circumstances in world commodity markets remained fundamentally unchanged since the time of the Gemara. Therefore Tosfos found it unlikely that changes in supply and demand could cause such a significant change in the relative prices of gold and silver. Obviously, since the industrial revolution world economies have changed drastically and it is no surprise that this has caused changes in the relative prices of gold and silver.

Dov Freedman