More Discussions for this daf
1. Rebbi Shimon's opinion concerning Muktzah 2. Mevatel Kli me'Hechano 3. Isur d'Rabanan does not make an item Asur.
4. Cooking on Shabbos 5. Muktzeh of Eitzim and Avanim 6. Kikar O Tinok
7. אין עושין מחיצה למת בשביל מת

Heshi Kuhnreich asks:

Shalom U'Verachah,

On 43b the Gemara says, Ki Pligi d'Leis Leih Kikar O Tinok, the Gilyon Ha'Shas asks why the bed itself is not good enough and we need to come onto a Kikar O Tinok, and ends with a Tzarich Iyun Gadol.but why should it not be obvious that the bed becomes a Basis and therefore requires a non Keli item such as a Kikar O Tinok to move it. This is quite evident as the Gemara mentions numerous cases of Muktzeh on a bed where the bed cannot be moved because it becomes a Basis.

In contemplating further into this question, could the question of the Gilyon Ha'Shas be that since Kikar O Tinok is a special ruling for a Mes, then why did the Rabanan have to come onto a new rule of Kikar O Tinok and not just remove their own prohibition of moving the bed. (It doesn't really read that way but maybe that's what he meant.) But the reply to that could be that the Rabanan were concerned that if we allow one to move a bed for a ?? then one might move it for just Ma'os.

Heshi Kuhnreich, Canada

The Kollel replies:

The Din of Basis applies only if the Muktzeh was deliberately placed there at the beginning of Shabbos (see Gemara later, 142b, just after the Mishnah, in the name of Rav Huna, and Rashi there DH Ela b'Shachach).

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom