Does anyone discuss this: What kind of Lashon Hakkodesh syntax would Mevushal Mevushal be? I an not aware of anywhere in Tanach that a finite verb is repeated twice. Bashel Mevushal appears all over the place (i.e. the absolute infinitive followed by the finite verb, e.g. Shamoa Eshma, Zachor Tizkor, etc.) Thanks.
Yisroel Strauss, NY, NY USA
Dear Yisroel,
The Malbim in Shmos 12:9 explains the phrase "Bashel Mevushal" based on the Ibn Ezra, that Bashel here is not a verb but an adjective. Therefore the Torah reads Bashel meaning "processed to be ready to eat" (which includes all types of ripening and cooking which can include even roasting) and then the Torah adds Mevushal ba'Mayim which explains more specifically "cooked by water".
Based on this, repeating the same word could be accepted: Bashel which is Bashel baMayim. (See though Rav Eliyahu Mizrachi on the Pasuk that calls Bashel an infinitive.)
This would not explain the other two examples Tosfos brings of Rapo Yerapei and Himatzei Simatzei. The Malbim does not comment on those at all.
It seems that Tosfos deduces from this Gemara that repeating the same word twice is a more simple construct than that which is found in the Torah (where the infinitive verb is followed by a past or future verb) and changing the word calls for an extra Derasha.
All the best
Reuven Weiner
Actually after I made the inquiry I realized that Ba(Qamats)Sh(no Dagesh)el was not an infinitive and the Radaq's Shoroshim confirmed this; the infinitive would be Ba(Patax)Sh(Dagesh)el.