More Discussions for this daf
1. Rav being refuted by a Beraisa 2. Shabbos 040b: Rambam on Bishul of Oil 3. Doing a small Aveirah to save a friend
4. Washing on Shabbos 5. Placing a hot water bottle on one's stomach on Shabbos

Dov Braun asked:

1. Question:The Gemara says that you're not allowed to put a hot water bottle on the stomach. Rashi explains that the reason is that it might spill on you, causing you to wash yourself unitntentionally. If that is the case, how are you allowed to go into a hot Mikvah? Even though Tosfos says a different Pshat, he doesn't disagree with Rashi's principal that bathing yourself unintentionally is forbidden. (Look in the Ritva)

2. Question 2 Daf 49,B

Rashi says that they planted in the desert to get the color of Tchailes. I thought it was from the Chilazon. which is a fish.

3. Question 3: Daf 53B

The Gemara relates a story that a man married a woman who was missing a hand. The husband never knew about this and the Gemara commends this as a noble act of tznius. What type of noble act is this, getting married to somebody and not telling him that you're missing a hand?:

The Kollel replies:

1. The Mishna Berura in O.C. 326-7 Rules that a Mikve on Shabbos may only be luke warm. This is the ruling of the Noda biYehuda that he cites. However he also refers to the Korban Nesanel in Shabbos Chap 2 para. 22 who rules that the Gezerah of washing in hot water did not apply to Immersion in a Mikve.

The Sidrei Tahara Y.D.193 permits immersion for a woman in hot water as does the Birkei Yosef in Y.D.197.

Teshuvos Avnei Nezer O.C. 526 rules that Tevila for a man is also considered a mitzvah and therefore the same Heterim that apply to women apply to men too. He proves this by citing the Rokeach, Sefer haYashar and the Maharil who all permit Tevilah for a Ba'al Keri on Yom Kippur. If it is enough of a mitzva to overide the Issur of washing on Yom Kippur then it can overide the Gezerah of washing in hot water on Shabbos. He emphasizes that one should be careful not to remain in the water for longer than is necessary.

Rav Wosner in Shevet Halevi 5-44 rules that one who observes Tevilas Ezra consistently all year round can be lenient in the winter and immerse in hot water if necessary. Rav Moshe Shternbuch in Teshuvos veHanhagos 1-224 rules that it is permissible to immerse in a hot water mikve on Shabbos.

Rav Moshe Feinstein in the Teshuvos that appear in the appendix to Sefer Hilchos Shabbos by Rav Shimon Eider writes that although people are lenient and permit Tevilah of a Ba'al Keri or Tosefes Kedushah on Shabbos in cold water, it is forbidden in hot water. Even though there are people who do this - it is not proper.

The Paytan says "Tehorim Yirashuha vi'Yekadshuha". May we be blessed to be Tehorim and Mekadshei haShabbos. (Ilan Segal)

2. Rashi says that they planted the herbs to get the dyes (see also Rashi on 73a, and Tosfos to Menachos 42b, DH v'Simemanim).

3. (a) The Gemara in Kesuvos rules that, mid'Oraisa, with regard to marrying someone with an exposed blemish, it is assumed that he saw the blemish and nevertheless accepted to marry this person (and therefore he cannot claim that the marriage was in error). If so, she did not delude him at all.

(b) On the contrary, since she was knew herself to be exceedingly modest, she assumed that this blemish would not bother her husband at all.