More Discussions for this daf
1. "Hiknu Lo Min ha'Shamayim" 2. Yibum with a Katan 3. Amar Rav Ashi Ein Kofin
4. Beis Shamai and Safek 5. Yibum with multiple brothers

Bob Newell asks:

Something I've long wondered and for which I've never found an answer. Suppose Reuven is married to Rivkah and dies childless. Reuven has several surviving brothers, say from youngest to oldest Shimon, Avram, and Asher. To whjch brother does Rivkah fall in yibum?

Bob Newell, Honolulu, Hawai`i, USA

The Kollel replies:

The Mishnah in Yevamos 39a states that the oldest brother has the Mitzvah to do Yibum. If he does not want to do this then the opportunity is given to the other brothers.

Best wishes

Dovid Bloom