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1. Statement of effective protest 2. Sha'as Cherum

1. Eli asks:

According to those who argue on Tosfos and hold that if there if it's Shass chairum between two countries even the Chazakah isn't heard (the nikumi Yosef seems to argue, also several rashbam's ar mashmah not like Tosfos) what's Pshat with rabbi yehudah in the Mishnah because the Gemara said the Mishnah is talking about yehuhpdah and glil which is like shaas chairum, so Pashtus that means that rabbi yehudah is coming to argue and say that even in such a case there is a Chazakah, so this seems a little difficult because seeming there are only two options 1- it's a machlokes in mitzius and r yehudah holds that the Chazakah is heard even between two places that have shass chairum or 2- r yehudah holds that there can be a Chazakah even if the Mara Kama never heard about the Chazakah

Do you have another way to resolve this?

Eli, Usa

2. The Kollel replies:

I could not find anyone who disagrees with Tosfos (38a, DH Macha'ah) and maintains that even the Chazakah is not heard.

Best regards,

Dovid Bloom