More Discussions for this daf
1. Kush 2. Na'anu'im in Hallel 3. Waving of Lulav
4. Al Netilas Esrog? 5. Rabah And The Mishnah 6. Shaking Lulav before Hallel
7. Min b'Mino Eino Chotzeitz 8. Al Netilas Lulav 9. Kush
10. למי שהארבע רוחות שלו וכו' למי שהשמים והארץ שלו 11. מין במינו אינו חוצץ

jerrold Bernstein asked:

There is a clear source in the Torah for taking the Etrog and Lulav but what is the source for waving them?

jerrold Bernstein, Boca Raton Fl USA

The Kollel replies:

There is no clear source for the Mitzvah of waving the Lulav on Succos. In fact, there is no source at all, since it is only mid'Rabanan.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler