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1. The Source for "Tosfos Rosh cites the example of the case of the Nazarite" 2. bi'Shvili Nivrah ha'Olam 3. bi'Shvili Nivrah ha'Olam
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1. Yisrael Rutman asks:


How can the world be created for me, if it's also created for you?

Yisrael Rutman, Pardes Chana, Israel

2. The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav.

This does not mean 'for me - and not for you'. It means that just as a parent loves each and every child as if he was their only child - and whatever they do for their children they would do equally for each one of them, so too, does Hash-m love each and every Yid, and just as He created the world for the sake of Yisrael, so too, would He have created it for the sake of each Yid. Perhaps that is one reason why He created the world for the sake of one individual - Adam ha'Rishon.

One often reads about a Talmid describing his Rebbe as one who behaves towards him with such warmth and affection that he feels that he is his favorite Talmid - even though he knows full well that all the other Talmidim say the same about him. And the same is true about the relationship between a good father and his children and certainly about Hash-m and Yisrael.

In any event, the objective of making such a statement is to increase a. one's Hakaras ha'Tov towards Hakadosh- Baruch-Hu; b. one's sense of responsibility - since the whole world depends upon his actions.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler