Mordechai Abisror asks:

On the daily quiz (last question) it says its a machloikes if truknin is subject to chala, but the Gra says when the gemarah says when rav dimi came and said it was peturin, its really chayavin, does anyone argue on the Gra, (and holds of the quiz that it is a machloikes)?

>>6. Truknin (an inferior bread made by placing flour and water in a cavity in the oven) is Chayavin in Chalah.

a) True.

b) False.

c) Machlokes.

d) Teiku.

e) Only if baked as Matzah

6. (c)<<

Thank you,

Mordechai Abisror, Long branch New Jersey

The Kollel replies:

We will modify the question to remove this ambiguity.

Thank you,

Kollel Iyun Hadaf