More Discussions for this daf
1. The location of the Chasam Sofer's Chidush; Lulav from out of the Techum 2. An esrog bitten by a mouse is Hadar 3. schach from 4 minim
4. Treif Esrog 5. Location of Teshuvos Chasam Sofer 6. Brachas on Lulav

hg schild asked:

Does anyone discuss in greater detail why one would think that the schach should be made from the 4 minim?

I saw an interesting vort from the CHasam Sofer and was wondering if anyone learns out from this anything?

hg schild, ny usa

The Kollel replies:

I saw two interesting vorts from the Chasam Sofer (the Chasam Sofer Hashalem has added references). Here is a brief summary:

1) In Chidushim, the Chasam Sofer explains that because the nations of the world used to worship the stars, people might think that Sukah is a form of idol worship as the stars are visible from the Sukah. Therefore, Bnei Yisrael originally only used the 4 minim for the Sukah, which showed that they were listening to Hash-m who commanded the Mitvza of the 4 minim. However, once the Anshei Kneses Hagedolah abolished the Yetzer Harah for Avodah Zarah, Bnei Yisrael started using other things for Sechach as well.

2) In Derashos (54a), the Chasam Sofer explains that the original custom was to use the four minim which symbolize the Achdus of Bnei Yisrael. However, this came to pose a problem, as it played into the hands of those who say that the only imporant thing is that we should all love each other, with Mitzvah observance of Bein Adam l'Makom being more of a nice ritual than an obligation. Klal Yisrael therefore stopped this Minhag of only using the 4 minim for Sechach.

What do we learn from here? Don't worship stars (or any other "god" for that matter), and don't be like that fellow who said that "a person must watch not what goes into his mouth but what goes out of his mouth". (You have to watch both equally.)

Gmar Chasimah Tovah,

Yaakov Montrose

Sam Kosofsky responds:

I can see why 3 out of the 4 minim would be good. The esrog, however, is a fruit and food which grows from the ground, (maybe any food?), is m'kabel tumah and posul l'schah. If so why would it be rauy to be used as schach?


Sam Kosofsky

The Kollel replies:

The Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 629:10) indicates that when a large amount of branches of a fruit tree are cut off to be Sechach, even if there are a few fruits on the branches they are not Mekabel Tumah. This would be one way to be able to use Esrogim as Sechach.

Chag Sameach,

Yaakov Montrose