Do the mefarishim discuss whether the different girsas of Hefker Bais Din HOYOH Hefker or Hefker Bais Din Hefker make a differnce in our understanding of the power of Bais Din to be mafkir or transfer money?
Martin Taubman, London England
Below, please find what we wrote regarding this issue in response to a similar question.
Be well,
Kollel Iyun Hadaf
Yevamos 089b: Hefker Beis Din "Hayah" Hefker
Mordechai Cohen asked:
Rabbi Kornfeld,
My edition of the Vilna Shas and most others I have seen have the phrase Hefker Beis Din Hayah Hefker. When I first saw this today I was surprised because in yeshiva we just said Hefker Beis Din Hefker. Anyway, then my chevrusa showed me his Oz V'Hadar edition of Yevamos and it read Hefker Beis Din Hefker - without the word Hayah. In fact, the Tosfos D"H (in his edition) also left out the word Hayah. Are you aware of different manuscripts that would explain this? If the phrase should have the word Hayah in it, is there a (good) reason why the velt leaves it out and just says Hefker Beis Din Hefker?
Mordechai Cohen
The Kollel replies:
The word "Hayah" was added by censors so as not to upset the current government.
Best wishes,
Mordecai Kornfeld
Kollel Iyun Hadaf