The question reads "If one drinks olive oil for a sore throat what Berachah does he make?"
Shouldn't the answer be A) None because in the question he is Drinking Olive Oil? Isn't the "correct" answer "Borei Pri ha'Eitz" ONLY if one is drinking INGIRIN loaded with OIL for the purpose of a sore throat, not if one "drinks olive oil for a sore throat"? I thought that would be a case of being mazik one's self
Yaakov B Rupp, Lakewood
I understand the problem you have with the question. However, it seems that the question is discussing someone who drinks olive oil for therapeutic purposes rather than to cause himself harm, in which case a small amount of Inigrin was added. If that is the case then the Berachah is Borei Pri ha'Eitz.
Avraham Phillips