The mishna of meshilin seems to speak to certain leniencies by yom tov including engaging in tircha that would otherwise be assur drabonon where there is hefsed mamon.
Other than ochel nefesh, the issurim of shabbos generally are the same by yom tov.
Why (and what is the source for) general leniencies by yom tov for other reasons?
Moshe Rubin, Brooklyn, ny
Dear Moshe,
Great to hear from you. Very nice question!
Regarding the first two Dinim in the Mishnah:
1. Lowering produce down through an opening in the roof: I see the Mesivta brings an explanation of Rav Dovid Cohen, that the concern is one might come to carry in Reshus ha'Rabim. This is based on the Gemara in Shabbos 117b [1]. According to this, we can understand why it is forbidden on Shabbos since carrying is forbidden, but not on Yom Tov since carrying is permitted.
2. Covering produce with Kelim because of a drip: There is a Machlokess whether this applies only to Yom Tov (Mashma in Rashi, and so rules the Maharshal) or even to Shabbos (the view of the Rosh, and so rules the Shulchan Aruch).
I hope this helps to some degree.
May you continue to attain greatness in Torah learning and Yiras Shamayim!
Best wishes,
Yishai Rasowsky