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David Wiseman asked:

R' Chiya in Shabbos 35a says:

"To see Miryam's well, he should ascend Mount Karmel and look - he will see [a round rock shaped like] a sifter in the sea."

A satellite photo of the area that you can view yourself at is indeed some 10-15 miles NW of Haifa appears to be a round looking object shaped like a sifter. Do you know of any more modern reference to this?

The Kollel replies:

We are not aware of other references to the interesting photo you sent. Are you sure that it was not just a transient phenomenon? I remember seeing some small islands in that location when I was last in Rosh ha'Nikrah, perhaps that is what we see in that image.

According to the Arizal (and various Midrashic sources), the well of Miryam can be found today in the Kinneret lake. His student Rav Chaim Vital, describes exactly where it can be seen. This is in keeping with the explanation of Rabeinu Chananel who writes that the "sea" in the Gemara is the Kinneret. Presumably, there is another mountain called Carmel on the west of the Kinneret. (This would explain why according to Rashi's explanation, the sun sets, in the west behind the Carmel.)

Best wishes,