The gemora states on the bottom of 32b that when one leaves an Eruv on a tree above 10 Tefachim, it is valid but he may not take it on Shabbos (per Rashi), because he shevisa place gives him 4 Amos up to the sky. The gemora states that it is only invalid if he leaves it on a branch more that 4 Amos away from his shevisa place. Why do we not say the same here on 33A, that even a basket on a tree more that 4 wide that is considered a Reshus hayochid, his Eruv should be valid, as his own Reshus hayochid goes up to the sky as in the bottom of 32b?
Yanky, Lakewood NJ
Rashi 33a DH Lema'ala writes that the braisa on 33a is referring to an eiruv placed on a branch more than 4 amos away from his shevisa place. Therefore it is invalid.
Dovid Bloom