Today is Friday and we should be learning Daf 34, yet I can only access your system until Daf 31?
How often is this forum updated?
What is the difference in opinion between R' Elozor the son of R' Yosi HaGalili and the Rabboonnon regarding the interpretation of how many Malochim are speaking one good word on a person's behalf? It appears according to Rashi that teh Rabboonon would hold that there are 999 vs. one. Whereas R' Elozor would hold there may even be 1,000 against him if one of the 1,000 happens to say a good thing it may still save him. Am I correct in my interpretation of Rashi or is there anoother explanation?
Thank You.
1) The Insights on the website are updated in blocks (such as 3-5 blatt at a time), so that usually you will find that the website is ahead of the Daf, so to speak. Once in a while, technical problems arise. If you subscribe to the Insights list and receive the Insights through e-mail, then you would always receive them up-to-date (3-5 blatt ahead).
2) Your understand of Rashi is correct.