When the Gemara explains how they originally thought to "mater" the sister in the case of three brothers but changed there opinion and put that mishna first since it was chaviva...- why not say instead that the tanna was using both mishnayos in a "zu ve'ain tzarich lomar zu" arrangement?
Menachem Weiman, St Louis USA
Sholom Rav,
This is a good question, and I'm not sure that I have a good answer for it.
I would suggest that the cases are so strikingly similar, just that the second Mishnah is speaking about two brothers instead of three, and the Halachah so obvious that it would not be sensible for the Tana to insert it, even in the form of "Zu v'Ein Tzarich Lomar Zu."
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv and wishing you a Chag Kasher ve'Same'ach.
Eliezer Chrysler.