More Discussions for this daf
1. Proper fulfillment of Kibud Av v'Em 2. Machlokes Rashi and Tosfos regarding "Pasyoni" 3. Buying the stone from Dama ben Nesina
4. Was Dama Ben Nesina greedy? 5. Dama Ben Nesinah 6. Lo Sechanem
7. Kibud Av v'Em After Parents Die 8. מחלוקת רש"י ותוס' בענין פסיוני 9. דמא בן נתינה

Ariel dvash asks:

Is there a mitzvah of cibud av ve am after one of that parents die? Is going to a levaya/kevura a mitzvah of cibud av ve'am (or any other mitzvah?)

ariel dvash,

The Kollel replies:

Kibud Av v'Em applies even after death (Kidushin here, and Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 240:9).

Buriel and participation in the funeral are a Mitzvah; see Yoreh Deah 343 and 361. The Chafetz Chayim in his Ahavas Chesed (section 3, chapter 5) explains at length concerning the Chesed involved.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner